This is not a group created by or for racist homophobic,sexist,people,keep your racial ideologys off this page.


when the Bolsheviks murdered their way into power...

When Lenin destroyed hundreds of thousands of Cossacks...

When the Kremlin starved more than six million in Ukraine...

when Mao murdered tens of millions of Chinese peasants during his "Great Leap Forward"...

When Ho Chi Minh sent 850,000 Vietnamese to their graves in "education camps"...

When Castro buried dissenters in the infamous Isle of Pines...

When the student voices of freedom were silenced at Tiananmen Square...


the Charter states that "Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: ... freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication." The section potentially could cover a wide range of action, from commercial expression to political expression; from journalistic privilege to hate speech to pornography.


Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of a functioning democracy. Freedom of expression promotes societal values,


S.H.A.R.P :bunch of hooligan thugs who attack people who dont have similar belives then them


ANTIRACIST ACTION: Youth who stop at nothing fighting Police and everyone who gets in there way,vandalize and terrorize .

Sunday, February 14, 2010

jason devine

Jason Devine (1980) is a Canadian Communist who has ran in the Alberta provincial elections for the Communist Party of Canada. Devine is also a member of the terrorist youth gang, Anti-Racist Action in Calgary Alberta and is suspected of running the Anti-Racist Canada Blog


  1. bwahahahaha, haven't both the ARA and the ARC both come right out and said they aren't the same group?

    *sigh* typical bonehead logic. BUT IT'S ONLY ONE LETTER OFF!!!!! Come to think of'd explain the spelling and grammar now wouldn't it? Hmm. OMG THE ADMIN HERE IS A BONEHEAD. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. Though I am a little hurt. Why the hell am I not on here? Haven't done enough in Canada I suppose. Guess I'll have to get on that.

    How about this you sexy beast of an admin you, you get your white ass working on improving your English language skills (so you don't come across less educated than those minorities you don't like), and then maybe somebody, somewhere might believe Whitey really is the superior intellect. But I doubt it. Most people generally agree that there is no correlation between skin colour and intelligence...

  2. With the spelling skills shown on this blog, I'm not very surprised that the letters ARA and ARC confuse them.

    And considering this is a bonehead page, is the sexism really that much of a surprise?

  3. I honestly am a bit afraid to pull out my old bag of tricks in Toronto.

    I mean, lovely as Toronto boneheads are (Puddles is rather adorable in that ugly dog you can't help but stare at way), they seem too much like little kids to me. It almost wouldn't be fair.

    But hey, no one ever said nazis played fair either.

  4. I have some interesting dirt on Puddles. I think I'll write about him next.

  5. What a greasy hippie Devine is. He needs a bath.
